Welcome to CulturePreneur Clusters.
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CulturePreneurTrade ExchangeCommunity Dev.

Culturepreneur is structured to create entrepreneurs through the industrialisation of Cultural Crafts for standard competitiveness in export markets and to creatively redirect the productive energy in youth towards gainful empowerment in the Arts of manufacturing, with aims to package and standardise the end products of Nigerian Cultural indigenous resources for Domestic and International Export markets.

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A Summary
The SolutionOur FindingsThe way forward

Research has it that, over time, the World Conservation Union (WCU) accounts that, about 34,000 species of nature are at risk of becoming extinct. This is traceable to the abandoned life style of occupational cultural activities in villages. The time to increase knowledge of heritage endowment and attention to their survival is now, as this is needed to solve many of the problems confronting the human world today, of low Supply and globalization.

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Live testimonials from some of our beneficiaries.